Tracy L. Morris

compassion. conversation. clarity.

Category: Resilience (Page 2 of 2)

Alternative, Normal, Possible

It’s time again to look at my book pile. As usual, this won’t be a complicated, dense review — just a quick list of what I’m reading right now. I don’t intentionally read books that have things in common during the same span of time, but I enjoy wondering if there are unintended connections among…

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we've all been there

Squirming Through Courage

Feels like there are weights in the soles of your shoes at every step down the crowded hallway where you recognize every mark on the tile floor because you’ve done this every day for months (years?), staring down at the next tile in your path because you don’t dare look up and see the faces…

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Family Values & The Difference Between Politics and Humanity

Therapists are trained and advised to steer clear of open political discussion for many reasons. However, the current situation in the United States — of children being separated from their families and held in detention centers — is one that warrants comment from all people. Regarding the possibility of media spin: I have heard from…

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science project gone awry

Spirituality, Madness, Children, and Resilience

The title of this blogpost came to me in a flash. Did those 4 separate words bring you here, too, out of curiosity? No plans for a high-level, complicated essay on the concepts — spirituality, madness, children, resilience. Just a quick list of the books currently on my reading shelf, all of which I’ve recommended…

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