First — it is with gratitude and a little sense of sadness that I say goodbye to my practice’s Master-level intern of this last year. Haley Fielder is one of those individuals who entered into training having already experienced life challenges and honed some valuable counseling skills as a result. It was so enjoyable to…
Haley Fielder is now offering groups for people with 2 special circumstances: Pregnancy After Loss Support Group, No-Cost & Virtual : Weekly on Wednesdays, 7:00-8:30pm Pacific Beginning 6/19/2024 and ending 8/7/2024. There is no time commitment for this group; you can join any week! This group is free of charge. This group aims to serve…
Most people think of therapy as a one-to-one conversation between client and practitioner. Indeed, that’s what it often looks like — but did you know that Co-Therapy, in which more than one therapist is in the room, has been around for about 50 years? I am excited to add Haley Fielder to my practice. Her…
This time of year often makes our pre-existing pains loom larger, sometimes to the point of feeling overwhelmed by sadness. If you’ve been “dealing with grief” in the usual ways (you know, “the 5 Stages of Grief” etc…) — Now is the time to upgrade your tools. Did you know that the person who came…
If you’ve worked with me, you know how I tend to invite exploration into words we use and the meanings we assign to them. It’s a bit like unraveling fabric to see the threads of origin. Sometimes I refer to writings that spark this kind of imaginative exploration. Sometimes, these idea sources seem far from…
Well. 2022, wtf? As I write this, roughly 3 months after my last post, which was full of hope following the prior two years of hard, RADICAL acceptance, we’re all witnessing (and some of us, more directly experiencing) a whole lotta more, and not necessarily in the enjoyable ways. More Covid variants with more infection…
Whew — we made it, y’all! 2022 is here, and we’re all hoping it brings better things for everyone. The past couple of years have been rough and called on us to be in constant adjustment mode. One of the ways I tried to make things a little better for all was to start taking…
I’m here (have been since June 2021) in my new home state, Washington. I cannot say enough about how impactful my surroundings are, on my ability to breathe deeply and, from there, to do everything a little better. I hope you are finding space and time to seek and revel in new things. Here are…
Back from a very long road trip (just about 5,000 miles), I returned feeling refreshed. The drive itself was eventful — my first experience in a major dust storm (me & hundreds of others hunkered down on a major highway for 4 hours), plus a day’s driving carefully through mountainous terrain surrounded by thick smoke…