Tracy L. Morris

compassion. conversation. clarity.

Category: Resilience (Page 1 of 2)

2025: Just the Beginning of What’s Coming

If there are two things that are a must-have when you’re self-employed, it’s a strong comfort with change and a well-tuned ability to be flexible. I apparently have those in abundance, given I’ve been my own employer for going on 30 years now.  And this year, I’m moving forward by returning to some old ways…

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New No-Cost Support Groups

Haley Fielder is now offering groups for people with 2 special circumstances: Pregnancy After Loss Support Group, No-Cost & Virtual : Weekly on Wednesdays, 7:00-8:30pm Pacific Beginning 6/19/2024 and ending 8/7/2024. There is no time commitment for this group; you can join any week! This group is free of charge. This group aims to serve…

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a walk in the quiet snow

Constructing Reality & Healing From Grief

This time of year often makes our pre-existing pains loom larger, sometimes to the point of feeling overwhelmed by sadness. If you’ve been “dealing with grief” in the usual ways (you know, “the 5 Stages of Grief” etc…) — Now is the time to upgrade your tools. Did you know that the person who came…

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Pulling Threads: Integrity & Vulnerability

If you’ve worked with me, you know how I tend to invite exploration into words we use and the meanings we assign to them. It’s a bit like unraveling fabric to see the threads of origin. Sometimes I refer to writings that spark this kind of imaginative exploration. Sometimes, these idea sources seem far from…

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Accepting (Even Inviting) Influence

Well. 2022, wtf? As I write this, roughly 3 months after my last post, which was full of hope following the prior two years of hard, RADICAL acceptance, we’re all witnessing (and some of us, more directly experiencing) a whole lotta more, and not necessarily in the enjoyable ways. More Covid variants with more infection…

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Rainier For Real

Unplugging Helps Me Refocus

Back from a very long road trip (just about 5,000 miles), I returned feeling refreshed.  The drive itself was eventful — my first experience in a major dust storm (me & hundreds of others hunkered down on a major highway for 4 hours), plus a day’s driving carefully through mountainous terrain surrounded by thick smoke…

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Home Office with Canine Coworker

My, How Quickly Things Change. Again.

Because I am moving to another state, I am unable to take new clients until July 2021. After the move, I will still be licensed in the state of Texas and, therefore, able to continue to seeing any clients who understand and agree to see me by video or phone only. For the time being,…

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Another Way to Look at Things (When Things Seem So Gloomy)

It’s likely been a rough week for you and those around you. Besides constant streams of news, you’re probably being bombarded with emails from all kinds of companies and organizations letting you know what they are doing to handle this current public health situation. Me, too. I want to offer another window to see through……

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How We’ll Manage with COVID-19

COVID-19 (a new name for the Coronavirus disease 2019) is teaching us some lessons about anxiety and the impact of feeling prepared for possibilities. I’d like to invite you to join me in feeling empowered by taking meaningful actions to “flatten the curve” (as described in this Scientific American blogpost by Zeynep Tufekci) of a…

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Parents & Emotions: Keep a lid on it, or let it out?

Raising young humans is always, without a doubt, an emotionally challenging job. It’s been my experience that most parents hope to do at least a few things differently than they recall from their own childhood. When you add to those normal challenges a parent’s strong desire to be better at the job, the pressure can…

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